Excel 2003 Style Menu in Excel 2007/2010

I really don't want to write this article as I'm in love with new interface of Excel 2007 and wants my blog readers and every excel user to understand the new Ribbon Menu structure than to go back and use Excel 2003 style menu in Excel 2007. However I don't want to write but I'm not writing this article on a gun-point. Lolzzzzzzzz... The objective is to help those users who want to remain stick with legacy programs just because they don't understand new and improved systems. So, that they can move to new systems, explore it, gradually learn it and hence praise it. Second reason is that such utilities are available @ cost of $20-$50 over the internet which my dear readers and excel users do not need to pay anyway.

Excel 2003 Style Menu in Excel 2007

In my total experience with Excel and Excel users, I encountered many peoples (major of them Senior Managers and Managers) who resist Excel 2007 primarily due to its new ribbon structure. They were habitual to 2003 and before menu style and found it hard to locate their favorite commands. Anyway, let's come to technical part now.

Click here to create Excel 2003 Style Menu in Excel 2007/2010

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